Criminal record
Our criminal record check up is fast, comprehensive and allows you to find out if an individual has been brought to justice, both criminally and civilly, in all courts of law in the country.
Individuals credit reputation
A general credit check will allow you to learn more about an individual's financial habits and determine their ability and willingness to repay loans.
Commercial credit reputation
A credit check on the target company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, as well as its reputation with suppliers.
The verification service offered by SIR Quebec allows you to have the truth about the individual's disability, CSST, fraudulent claim or even chronic absenteeism files.
This will save you time and money by preventing the hiring of the wrong candidates
Fraud and theft against the employer
Les statistiques démontrent à quel point la fraude des employés est un fléau pour les entreprises canadiennes. Nous proposons de nouveaux moyens d’enquête et de preuve afin de détecter les fraudeurs et les voleurs.
When selecting new candidates, there is often not enough time to validate the information contained in the job application. To avoid unpleasant surprises, our pre-employment investigation service allows you to obtain references from the candidate's last three employers, a criminal and judicial background check, confirmation of diplomas and/or certificates of study obtained, and a general profile of the candidate.
We also have the expertise to design application or reference forms, as well as general tests in French, English and computer skills.
We can also, if required, design personality and/or psychometric tests tailored to your needs.
In order to ensure the good reputation of your future tenants, we carry out a credit check up, as well as a confirmation of the good character of the applicants with their former landlords and/or caretakers.